Aleksandra Jankowska, PhD
Department Research on Ancient Technologies
Research interest
- Money and coinage in the ancient world; metal mining and metallurgy in the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Antiquity, the formation of social structures and relations in the Mediterranean Basin in antiquity, the idea of the abstraction of value and the influence of the monetization process on ancient societies.
Jankowska A. (2012), Coin hoards as an economic problem according to Xenophon, [w:] Coin hoards as an economic factor, M. Mielczarek (red.), Lódź.
Jankowska A. (2015), Pieniądz jako element ateńskiej propagandy — kilka uwag, [w:] Pieniądz a propaganda, wspólne dziedzictwo Europy, K. Filipow (red.), Augustów — Warszawa.
Jankowska A. (2015), Między Bliskim Wschodem a Grecją — pieniądz w okresie archaicznym, Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia 61, 7- 12.
Jankowska A. (2016), Arystoteles i jego wizja wprowadzenia pieniądza w antycznej Grecji, Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia 62, 37-42.
Jankowska A. (2018), Szlaki komunikacyjne i handlowe między Grecją, centralnymi Bałkanami i przedrzymską Dacją VI-IV w. p.n.e. (Communication and trade routes between Greece, central Balkans and pre-Roman Dacia (6th-4th c. B.C.), Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia 64, 77-88.
Jankowska A. (2019), Trade in the Mediterranean Basin between the 8th and 6th century BCE, with emphasis on the Dodecanese, Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia 65,131-137.
Jankowska A. (2020), Pieniądz i mechanizmy wymiany na Bliskim Wschodzie. Kilka wstępnych uwag (Money and exchange mechanisms in the Near East. Some introductory remarks), Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia 66, 105-111.
Participation and experience in research projects:
- UMO-2013/11/B/HS3/02061 Greek Kymisala. Ancient polis on the Island of Rhodes, NCN 2013-2019, project menager prof. dr hab. M. Mielczarek; the aim of the project was to develop archaeological research in the area of ancient Kymisala; archaeological research focused on the cemeteries used from archaic to the Hellenistic period; the project involved archaeological survey of architectural remains on the slopes of the hills around the cemeteries and the acropolis.
- 0195/NPRH4/H1a/83/215 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Poland. Historia kolekcji monet starożytnej Grecji oraz opracowanie i publikacja zbiorów, MNiSW 2015-2020, project menager prof. dr hab. M. Mielczarek; the main objective of the project was the publication of the volumes presenting collections of ancient Greek coins deposited in Polish museums, as part of the international series Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.
- UMO-2016/21/B/HS3/02923 Roman fort Resculum and Roman settlement of the south-west section of the Dacian Limes Porolissensis; project menager dr Jacek Rakoczy; the aim of the project was to verify the remains of the Roman settlement in the western part of Dacia Porolissensis, in the vicinity of the fort Resculum. As a result, an inventory of 50km2 of the fort environs was made using LIDAR scanning. Inside the fort, the phase of rebuilding the northern gate and the eastern part of the praetorium was verified archaeologically. Moreover, non-destructive techniques were used in the surroundings of the fort for the presence of the remains of civil settlement.