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Yvgeniya Yanish lecture from the conference “Olbia in the Hunnic period”

Na kanale Archeo.TV jest już dostępny 12 referat z konferencji “Olbia in Hunnic Period”, która odbyła się 5-6 listopada 2021 roku ?



Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences




Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


presents a lecture from a scientific conference:
Olbia in Hunnic Period

organized at November 5–6, 2022


Author: Yvgeniya Yanish

Title: Animals in the life of the inhabitants of Olbia in the Hunnic period: results of archaeozoological research


Abstract: Research at Olbia has been going on for over 120 years and has included a considerable amount of archaeozoological material. However, studies of animal bones from the Hunnic-period layers have started only five years ago. At the moment, 8183 animal remains have been recorded from trench R-23: 66.8% mammals, 30.6% fish, 0.4% birds, 0.1% reptiles and 2.1% molluscs. Livestock was dominated by cattle and small ruminants. Wild animals accounted for 3.0% of all identifiable remains, which is a fairly large percentage compared to earlier periods at Olbia. The diversity of wild species is also greater, now including moose, deer and beavers, for which forests—floodplain forests in the studied region—are a natural habitat. In addition, there is also a growing number of representatives of hunted steppe species like saiga and kulan. Taken together, the evidence indicates a change of climate in the territory of Olbia and the Olbian chora in the late 3rd–early 4th centuries AD that can presumably be connected with the Roman climatic optimum.