Dr hab. Marta Osypińska, prof. IAE PAN
Department for prehistoric and medieval studies
Research interests:
Animals in the history of the East African civilizations, archaeozoology of Africa, archaeozoology of Early Medieval Poland.
Selected bibliography:
(2018).Krowie Królestwa. Zwierzęta w historii Doliny Nilu Środkowego. Studium archeozoologiczne. Warszawa: IAE PAN.
(2013).Zwierzęta w gospodarce wczesnośredniowiecznego Szczecina. Warszawa.
M. Osypińska, B.T. Żurawski. (2019). Pork for the Pilgrims. Socio-Topography of Livestock Breeding and Meat Consumption Models in the Medieval Pilgrimage Centre at Banganarti (Sudan, 11th-13th centuries).ANTIQUITY (w druku).
M. Osypińska, M. Woźniak. 2019. Livestock Economy at Berenike, a Hellenistic City on the Red Sea (Egypt).African Archaeological Review, 37. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10437-019-09346-w.
M. Osypińska, P. Osypiński. 2018. New evidencefor the emergence of a human-pet relation in early Roman Berenike (1st – 2nd century AD). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,26(2) Special Studies, 167-192.
M. Osypińska, J. Piątkowska-Małecka. 2018.Zwierzęta w Zagrodach na Terenie Osady Ludności Kultury Ceramiki Wstęgowej Rytej w Ludwinowie (stan.7, Aut 112), gmina i powiat Włocławek. Światowit Tom XIII-XIV (LIV-LV)(2015-2016), Fascykuł A/: 175-193
Ottoni C., W. Van Neer, B. Cupere, J. Daligault, S. Guimaraes,J. Peters, N. Spassov, M. E. Prendergast, N. Boivin, A. Morales-Muñiz,A. Bălăşescu, C. Becker, N. Benecke, A. Boroneant, H. Buitenhuis, J. Chahoud, A. Crowther, L. Llorente, N. Manaseryan, H. Monchot,V. Onar,M. Osypińska, O. Putelat, E.M. Q. Morales,J. Studer, U. Wierer, R. Decorte1, T. Grange. 2017. The Palaeogenetics Of Cat Dispersal In The Ancien World; NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 1, 0139 (2017); DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0139.
Osypiński P., M. Morley, M. Osypińska, A. Kotarba-Morley. 2016. Affad 23: settlement structures and palaeoenvironments in the Terminal Pleistocene of the Middle Nile Valley, Sudan. ANTIQUITY 90 352 (2016), 894-913.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2016. Animal exploitation and Behaviour of the Latest Middle Stone Age Societies in the Middle Nile Valley: Archaeozoological and Taphonomic Analysis of Late Pleistocene Fauna from Affad Basin, Sudan. African Archaeological Review, 33(2), 107-127.
Osypiński P., M. Osypińska. 2016. The Wadi Khashab ceremonial complex – a manifestation of cattle keepers in the Eastern Desert of Egypt before the end of the fifth millennium BC. AZANIA: Archaeological Research in Africa, 51(2), 257-281.
Osypiński P., M. Osypińska. 2015. Optimal adjustment or cultural backwardness? New data on the latest Levallois industries in the Nile Valley. Quaternary International Volume 408, Part B, 15 July 2016; 90-105
Osypińska M., 2015 (2013), Animal Husbandry and Meat Consumption in Makurite Dongola. Sudan. Faunal evidence from the royal residence area, 6th-17th century, ARCHEOLOGIA, 64, 67-81.
Osypiński P., M. Osypińska, A. Gautier. 2011. Affad 23 – Middle Plaeolithic site in Southern Dongola Reach, Sudan. Journal of African Archaeology, 9(2), 5-16,
Osypińska M. 2016. Faunal remains from the fortified settlement around the Raphaelion church in Banganarti. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,24(1), 411-424.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2016. Levallois Tradition epigones in the Middle Nile Valley: Results of the first phase of research. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 24(1), 601-626.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2013. Middle Palaeolithic research in the Middle Nile Valley – field season in Affad, Northern Sudan, Nyame Acuma, 80, 22-38.
Osypińska M. 2013. Zwierzęta w czasach nowożytnych (XVII-XIX w.). Dane archeozoologiczne z badań na terenie osady w Nakonowie Starym, stan., 2, gm Choceń, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie, Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 17:363-391.
Osypińska M. 2014. Archaeozoological Research on Animal Remains from Excavations in Dongola (Sudan) in 2010. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22: 229-247.
Osypińska M. 2014. Szczątki zwierzęcez osady wczesnośredniowiecznej w Zabrodziu, pow. Wrocławski, stan 7,Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeoogiczne, 55: 191-205.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2014. The Latest Middle palaeolithic sites in the Middle Nile Valley, ANTIQUITY Project Gallery, Sep. 2014; http://journal.antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/osypinska341
Osypińska M. 2016. Pet cats at the Early Roman Red Sea port of Berenike, Egypt, ANTIQUITY Project Galery, https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2016.181
Osypińska M. 2013.Archaeozoological research on animal remains from excavations in Dongola in 2010. Sudan. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, Research 2010, 229-247.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2013. Middle Palaeolithic research in the Middle Nile Valley – field season in Affad, Northern Sudan, Nyame Acuma, December 2013, nr 80.
Osypińska M. 2013. Owca czy koza, śledź czy ryba? Źródła archeozoologiczne do dziejów kuchni; Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej, 61(1), 37-42
Osypińska M. 2013. Szczątki zwierzęce ze stanowiska Poznań-Nowe Miasto nr 362, Slavia Antiqua T.XLXIV (2013).
Osypińska M. 2013. Zwierzęta w czasach nowożytnych, XVIII-XIX w. Dane archeozoologiczne z badań na terenie osady w Nakonowie Starym. Stan. 2., Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 18, 43-51.
Osypińska M. 2012. Animals in rock art. Results of archaeozoological research at the site of el-Gamamiya 67 (Fourth Cataract, Sudan).Polish Archaeology in the Mideterranean, 21. Research 2009, 703–713.
Osypińska M., P. Osypiński. 2012. Pochówek konia i szczątki zwierząt z wczesno-średniowiecznego cmentarzyska w Jordanowie, woj, lubuskie, Archeologia Polski, 7(1-2): 28-39.
Osypiński P., M. Osypińska. 2012. Epigons of the Levallois Tradition in the Middle Nile Valley: the first season of a new prehistoric project in Affad, Northern Sudan, Nyame Acuma, December 2012.
Osypińska M. 2010.Animal bone remains from the cemetery in El-Zuma (2007 season). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, Reports 2007, 488-493.
Osypińska M. 2010. Faunal remains from the Post-Meroitic cemeteryEl-Sadda 1. Season 2007. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, Reports 2007, 450-453.
Osypińska M. 2010. Faunal Remains from the Neolithic Site of el-Sadda 028. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, Reports 2007, 448-449
Osypińska M. 2010. Faunal remains from Banganarti, season 2007. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, Reports 2007, 359-368.
Osypińska M. 2010. Domestic Animals from Christian Makuria. Gdańsk Achraeological Museum and Heritage Protection Fund African Reports, 6, 133-138.
Osypińska M. 2010. Animal Remains in Post-Meroitic Tumuli. Gdańsk Achraeological Museum and Heritage Protection Fund African Reports, 6, 125-132.