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Zaproszenie na wywiad z Cathrine Wanner, professor Pennsylvania State University

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Ośrodek Etnologii i Antropologii Współczesności Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN wspólnie z Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies and University Center for International Studies of the University of Pittsburgh and the Euroasian Knot serdecznie zapraszają na wywiad z Cathrine Wanner, professor Pennsylvania State University, który odbędzie się w dniu 17 marca godzina 20.00 polskiego czasu.
In his public life, Gleb Kaleda was a famous Soviet Geologist. But privately, he was a secretly ordained Russian Orthodox priest. For years he conducted clandestine masses in his apartment turned makeshift church on the outskirts of Moscow. Kaleda was not the only one living a double life in the Soviet Union. State imposed atheism drove many faithful to invent new forms of religious expression. Orthodox, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists and other believers creatively adapted to the social, political and ideological contexts of the Soviet Union. In this interview with Catherine Wanner, Pennsylvania State University, we will discuss the manifold strategies religious believers used to adapt and innovate their worship, and their consequences for the Soviet and post-Soviet societies.
Catherine Wanner is a Professor of History, Anthropology and Religious Studies at Pennsylvania State University. Her most recent book is Everyday Religiosity and the Politics of Belonging in Ukraine.
Rozmawa odbywa się w ramach serii otwartych webinarów „Religion in (Post-)Socialist Societies”. Informacja o kolejnych webinarach znajduje się pod linkiem: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/.../religion-post-socialist...
Wszystkie webinary w formie podcastów będą dostępne na stronie The Euroasian Knot.

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