Zaproszenie na webinar z Geneviève Zubrzycki i José Casanova
Ośrodku Etnologii i Antropologii Współczesności w IAE PAN wspólnie z Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies and University Center for International Studies of the University of Pittsburgh and the Euroasian Knot serdecznie zapraszają na webinar, który odbędzie się w dniu 6 marca o 18.00 polskiego czasu
In 1977, Adam Michnik, editor of Gazeta Wyborcza, the influential Polish newspaper, published The Church and the Left. In it, he called for the conservative Catholic Church and the Polish dissident Left to ally against the communists. Today, the book is a testimony to how unlikely alliances can topple authoritarian governments. What allowed for such a powerful coalition to emerge? And how do we make sense of this past when Polish Catholicism poses a threat to democracy today? This interview with Geneviève Zubrzycki, University of Michigan, and José Casanova, Georgetown University, will discuss the relations between the Catholic Church and Polish civil society in communist Poland and its legacies. How did religion impact the fall of communism? And how does it influence the formation of the contemporary Central and Eastern European states?
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Rozmawa odbywa się w ramach serii otwartych webinarów „Religion in (Post-)Socialist Societies”. Informacja o kolejnych webinarach znajduje się pod linkiem:
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