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Dr Krzysztof Domżalski

Dr Krzysztof Domżalski

Interdisciplinary Center of Archaeological Research





Research interests:

Archaeology and material culture of the Graeco-Roman civilization. Production, trade and consumption of pottery from the Late Classical period until the Early Byzantine times (4th c. BC – 7th c. AD). Analyzing of ceramic finds as an important source for studying continuity and changes of material culture as well as economic and settlement history of specific archaeological sites, regions and in the supra regional perspective. Typo-chronological investigations of specific fine pottery groups in order to identify important and easily attainable dating materials useful as initial chronological indicators in archaeological fieldworks. Processing, studying and publishing finds of Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine pottery from several current archaeological excavations carried out in: Akrai in Sicily (since 2013), Chhim and Jiyeh in Lebanon (2003–2018), Pompeiopolis and Sinop in Turkey (since 2009), Ptolemais in Libya (2009), Olbia in Ukraine (2006–2008), Tanais in Russia (since 1998), Novae in Bulgaria (1996–2012), Nymphaion in Ukraine (1994–1998).

Selected bibliography:


Chowaniec R., Chrzanovski L., Domżalski K. et al. (2020). Unwrapping the micro-history of a house cistern from ancient Akrai/Acrae (southeastern Sicily), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29 (2), 603–652.

Domżalski K. (2018). Roman to Early Byzantine fine pottery from Pompeiopolis in Paphlagonia. From the long distance trade to the local market, Archeologia (Warsaw) 67, 2016–2017, 73–87.

Chowaniec R., Młynarczyk J., Domżalski K. et. al. (2017). Akrai/Acrae – the Greek colony and Roman town. Preliminary report on the excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition in 2015, Archeologia (Warsaw) 66, 2015, 65–104.

Domżalski K. (2014). Terra sigillata, red slip and glazed wares from Jiyeh (Porphyreon) and Chhim in Lebanon. Similarities and differences in supplying coastal and mountain customers, Archeologia (Warsaw) 64, 2013, 23–51.

Domżalski K., Jaworski P. (2012). Terra sigillata and coins: An exceptional case of Eastern Sigillata C/Çandarlı Ware stamping inspired by mid-2nd century AD Pergamene coinage, Archeologia (Warsaw) 61, 2010, 57–62.

Domżalski K., Wicenciak U., El Tayeb M., Waliszewski T. (2005). Late Hellenistic and Early Roman pottery production center at Jiyeh. Rescue excavations, 2004, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (Reports 2004) 16, 429–439.

Domżalski K. (2003). Central Italian lead-glazed ware beyond the north-eastern borders of the Roman Empire, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 38, Abingdon, 181–190.

Arsen'eva T.M., Domżalski K. (2002). Late Roman red slip pottery from Tanais, Eurasia Antiqua 8, 15–491.

Domżalski K. (2002). Preliminary information on terra sigillata and red slip wares from Chhîm, Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises 6, 77–88.

Čistov D.E., Domżalski K. (2002). Nymphaion – Results of excavations in Sector N, 1994–1998, Archeologia (Warsaw) 52, 2001, 97–136.

Domżalski K. (2000). Notes on Late Roman red slip wares in the Bosporan Kingdom, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36, Abingdon, 161–168.

Domżalski K. (2001). Töpferstempel auf glatter Terra Sigillata aus Rheinzabern, Archäologie in der Pfalz. Jahresbericht 2000, 158–160.

Domżalski K., Zin'ko V.N. (2000). Roman fine pottery from rescue excavations conducted outside the defensive walls of the town of Nymphaion in 1995, Archeologia (Warsaw) 50, 1999, 73–82.

Dobrzańska H., Domżalski K., Wielowiejski J. (1998). Römische Importe aus dem Grab von Giebułtów (Polen) im Licht der neusten Forschung. In: P. Dyczek (ed.), Novae and the Romans on Rhine, Danube, Black Sea, and Beyond the Frontiers of the Empire, Acta of the International Conference, Wykno, Poland, 18–22 November 1995, Novensia 10, 265–277.

Domżalski K. (1998). Terra sigillata z budowli komendantury w Novae. Wypełnisko jamy nr 4, Novensia 11, 127–140.

Domżalski K. (1998). Ceramika stołowa z principia w Novae. Wypełnisko jamy nr 4, Novensia 11, 141-161.

Domżalski K. (1997). Terra Sigillata bowl from a rich cremation burial at Giebułtów near Cracow, Materiały Archeologiczne 30, 103–109.

Domżalski K. (1997). Terra sigillata from Nymphaion. Survey 1994, Archeologia (Warsaw) 47, 1996, 95–109.

Chapters in edited volumes:

Doonan O., Smokotina A., Domżalski K. (2021). Roman and Late Roman settlement in the Demirci valley, Sinop (Turkey): A reconsideration. In: N.D. Kontogiannis, T.B. Uyar (eds.), Space and Communities in Byzantine Anatolia. Papers from the Fifth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies, Istanbul, 24–26 June 2019, Istanbul, 159–171.

Domżalski K. (2018). Quantifying and contextualizing pottery from Akrai. General information with particular attention to the fine ware evidence. In: R. Chowaniec (ed.), On the borders of Syracuse. Multidisciplinary studies on the ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, Warsaw, 209–223.

Domżalski K. (2015). Roman and Late Antique fine pottery from Akrai (2011–2014). First discoveries and research problems. In: R. Chowaniec (ed.), Unveiling the Past of an Ancient Town. Akrai/Acrae in South-Eastern Sicily, Warsaw, 277–293.

Domżalski K. (2014). The Pitane workshop and the most successful export of Eastern Sigillata C. In: H. Meyza, K. Domżalski (eds.), Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use, Warsaw, 151–159.

Domżalski K. (2012). At the crossroads of trade routes: terra sigillata, red slip wares and related fine pottery from the Polish excavations in Ptolemais (2002–2009). In: J. Żelazowski (ed.), Ptolemais in Cyrenaica. Studies in Memory of Tomasz Mikocki, Warsaw, 317–343.

Domżalski K. (2011). Late Roman pottery from Pompeiopolis. In: L. Summerer (ed.), Pompeiopolis I. Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Metropole Paphlagoniens nach fünf Kampagnen (2006–2010), Schriften des Zentrums für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes, vol. 21, Langenweißbach, 163–177.

Domżalski K. (2011). Roman fine pottery from a cellar under Oil-press E.I at Chhim (Lebanon). In: H. Meyza, I. Zych (eds.), Classica Orientalia. Essays Presented to Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski on his 75th Birthday, Warsaw, 147–156.

Крапивина B.B., Домжальский K. (2008), Позднеантичная Ольвия в свете находок краснолаковой керамики. In: В.Ю. Зуев (ed.), Боспор и Северное Причерноморье в античную эпоху. Материалы юбилейного круглого стола посвященного 10-летию конференции „Боспорский Феномен”, Санкт-Петербург, 73–81.

Domżalski K. (2007). Changes in late Classical and Hellenistic fine pottery production in the eastern Mediterranean as reflected by imports in the Pontic area. In: V. Gabrielsen, J. Lund (eds.), Black Sea in Antiquity: Regional and Interregional Economic Exchanges, Black Sea Studies vol. 6, Aarhus, 161–181.

Domżalski K. (2006). Środkowoitalskie naczynia glazurowane znalezione w Polsce. In: A. Bursche, R. Ciołek (eds.), Nowe znaleziska importów rzymskich z ziem Polski III, Korpus znalezisk rzymskich z europejskiego Barbaricum – Polska, Suplement vol. 3, Warszawa, 113–146.

Домжальский K., Чистов Д.Е. (2003). Итоги работ на участке Н (1994–1998). In: О.Ю. Соколова (ed.), Материалы Нимфейской Экспедиции, Выпуск I, Санкт-Петербург, 3–41.

Домжальский K., Журавлев Д.B. (2003). Боспорская сигиллата. In: В.Н. Зинько (ed.), Боспор Киммерийский и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья, Материалы IV Боспорских чтений, Керчь, 89–92.

Domżalski K. (2002). Late Roman Light-Coloured Ware: A rare group of fine pottery and its northern distribution (Bosporan region and the neighbouring Pontic littorals). In: В.Н. Зинько (ed.), Боспор Киммерийский, Понт и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья, Сборник научных материалов III Боспорских чтений, Керчь, 284–291.

Domżalski K. (2001). Małoazjatyckie naczynie terra sigillata z grobu w Gródku nad Bugiem, pow. hrubieszowski. In: J. Kolendo, A. Bursche (eds.), Nowe znaleziska importów rzymskich z ziem Polski II, Korpus znalezisk rzymskich z europejskiego Barbaricum – Polska, Suplement, vol. 2, Warszawa, 89–98.

Domżalski K. (1998). Terra sigillata z grobu w Giebułtowie. In: J. Kolendo (ed.), Nowe znaleziska importów rzymskich z ziem Polski I, Korpus znalezisk rzymskich z europejskiego Barbaricum – Polska, Suplement, vol. 1, Warszawa, 87–96.

Домжальский К. (1998). Из истории исследования краснолаковой керамики восточного производства. In: Д.B. Журавлев (ed.), Эллинистическая и римская керамика в Северном Причерноморье I, Москва, 17–30.

Edited volumes:

Meyza H., Domżalski K. (eds.), Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use, Warsaw 2015.

Domżalski K. (ed.), Stawiarska T., Roman and Early Byzantine Glass from Romania and Northern Bulgaria. Archaeological and Technological Study, Bibliotheca Antiqua vol. 24, Warsaw 2014.

Selected completed projects:

Projekt NCN nr 2013/11/B/HS3/02058: Późnorzymska i wczesnobizantyjska ceramika stołowa w regionie czarnomorskim: produkcja, handel i użytkowanie (2014–2015).

Projekt promotorski KBN nr 2-H01H-009-24: Późnorzymska terra sigillata nad Bosporem Kimmeryjskim i na ziemiach przyległych (2003–2005)

Nagrody i stypendia:

stypendia Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst: Fryburg (1994–1995), Monachium (2008– 2009), Berlin (2016)
stypendium Fundacji Lanckorońskich, Rzym (2007)
stypendia Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: Ateny (2008), Rzym (2009)
stypendium Mairie de Paris (2010)
stypendium Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Waszyngton (2012)
Brązowy Krzyż Zasługi RP (2015)

Członkostwo w organizacjach:
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, od 1996 r.