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IAE PAN journals are published both in paperback version  and online in open access on the OJS platform and in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutions (RCIN). All IAE PAN journals and particular articles published in them have individual DOI numbers registered in the Crossref database.

The IAE PAN Publishing House does not accept violation of copyrights, plagiarism and other violations of publication good practices. Therefore, the materials provided are scanned with anti-plagiarism programs.

The editorial board of each journal is supported by an international Editorial Board , and each article is peer-reviewed by independent reviewers.

The journals follow copyright policy based on the chosen Creative Commons license.

Materials submitted for  publishing process in  IAE PAN journals are archived. The detailed archiving policy of particular journals is described on their webpages.

The publishing process with  the IAE PAN Publishing House is described in the Regulations of the IAE PAN Publishing House.



Official statement of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Publishing House concerning the publication of texts authored or co-authored by researchers affiliated with state institutions of the Russian Federation during the war in Ukraine

Facing war waged by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, murders and tortures of civilians carried out by the Russian army, and deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure the IAE PAS Publishing House, recommends withholding publication of texts authored or co-authored by researchers affiliated with state institutions of the Russian Federation. This recommendation is based on the statement of the PAS Presidium of March 16, 2022 (https://bip.pan.pl/artykul/211/958/stanowisko-prezydium-pan-dotyczace-zalecenia-dla-redaktorow-naczelnych-pism-naukowych) and a letter issued by the Minister of Education and Science of March 1, 2022 (DWM-WP.SWN.080.6.2022.AB). In the resolution of the European Parliament of November 23, 2022 (2022/2896(RSP)), the Russian Federation was recognized as a state sponsoring terrorism, which increases the ethical and legal responsibility of persons and institutions cooperating with researchers affiliated with state institutions of the Russian Federation.

However, guided by the care of freedom of academic voices and many years long tradition, the IAE PAS Publishing House assumes substantive autonomy of journals’ Editorial Boards and also of the IAE PAS Publishing House Editorial Board who create their own scientific and publication policies. Yet, it has to be emphasized, that they are responsible not only for the realization of the IAE PAS Publishing House aims but also for substantive, ethical, and legal aspects of proceeding publications. In this respect, the responsibility for publishing journals and books with the logo of the IAE PAS Publishing House remains exclusively on Editorial Boards.


Archaeologia Polona

Ethnologia Polona


Etnografia Polska

Archeologia Polski

Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae

Journal of Urban Ethnology

Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej

Przegląd Archeologiczny

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne